Saturday, March 1, 2008

The adventures of the traveling PIE

To all of my fellow Daring Bakers, my apologies for not posting my challenge on time this month, but school has been absolutely crazy, I'll make my bread this weekend and do the official February challenge post then.

However, I'll leave you with the adventures of the traveling PIE!

Bad Monsieur Josh and myself made a pie for Valentine's day... a peach pie with ground pecans on the crust...
But we couldn't finish the pie and we had to travel to Midland, ON on Saturday so we took the pie with us.. a TRAVELING PIE!

The pie waited patiently in line to get on the bus

The pie took the Toronto subway and had to be particularly careful of the GAP...

The pie arrived to it's final destination, and it was a happy pie because it had seen some of the world!!!

1 comment:

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

That's ok. Will wait to see the results of this month's challenge.:)