Okie so let's start at the beginning... it came as a shock to me the fact that we could not use chocolate or coffee... you heard me... when I saw we were making L'Opera cake I dreamt of chocolate and lots of coffee.. however my dreams had to be redirected to visions of fluffy vanilla buttercream and strawberry mousse and glaze.
YES!.. I had a vision, but it was just that, and I slacked off ALL month long.. I KNOW!! how could I do that??!!! (trust me I'll never do it again) I left the making of the cake until TODAY.. the posting day of the challenge.. oh I know I've been bad
and... what happens when you leave your challenge for the LAST day?? well.. YOU ANGRY THE BAKING GODS!!! that is what happens.. trust me Daring Bakers out there.. never do it, the wrath of the gods is mighty and to be feared I've experienced it first hand... and I nearly wanted to cry. My buttercream curdled.. I tried it a second time.. it nearly curdled again, I made my mousse and it did not work as expected ....it did not set and I ended up not being able to do my glaze (which was what I had look forward to the most).. OH!! what I would give to go back in time in order to do my cake waaay in advance.
Here are the pictures..
My variations to the original recipe: I used pecans instead of almonds for the joconde and I used strawberries on the bottom layer as well as an strawberry mouse on the top.
And now I cordially invite you to look at all of the other Daring Bakers wonderful creations